Monday, August 10, 2009

August Newsletter

Harper's August Garden Guide
The Last Full Month Of Summer
August 2009 - Vol 1, Issue 1
In This Issue


Well now it is time to come home from the beach, or your usual summer haunts and get a ways and start settling into that fall routine. I know it is August. For me August means the last full month of Summer and Fall is just around the corner. Kids start back to school and we start looking around the yard wondering what the heck happened to our beautiful Spring garden? It is time to get back to work or at least evaluating what worked and what didn't in the garden. I can't wait till September!

August is a great month to evaluate what has worked and what perhaps hasn't done so well. This summer has been one of extremes and is a good test for what plants you may want to continue with and which ones maybe not so much. It is also a great time to ask why something didn't do so well. Many times our water system is inadequate and those shortcomings don't show up until exteme temperatures arrive. Perhaps we planted too late, or it was just not the right plant for the right place! We hope you will find confidence in us to help you in this evaluation process. Our many years of experience can help you not only pick the right plants, but help with timing and planning of how,where,and when the plant is best used in our desert environment. Remember we also offer as far as we know the only "lifetime plant guarantee" in the industry. This should help you be assured that we have confidence in our plants and our people to steer you in the right direction.
Believe it or not this is the month that Fall gardening really gets going again. First of all we can't emphasize enough to properly prepare the soil! Visit our stores or website for our Garden Preparation Guide. Don't start until you've read this and have taken the time to get the soil ready to plant. This guide also has the proper planting dates for flowers and vegetables for our specific environment. If you follow this guide we know you'll have success. Want more help-remember that the 3rd Saturday of Every Month we hold a garden class at 10am at both locations!

Mulch and Feed, Feed and Mulch
August is a good time to start fertilizing most all of our plants, especially tropicals and subtropicals. Citrus,hibiscus,ficus,palms,mexican bird of paradise, get the idea. A feeding this time of year will not only help these plants recover from a long hot summer but will also help them get thru and recover from the upcoming winter ahead.
Another way to insure your plants get thru the last part of Summer is to keep them properly mulched. Mulching with a bark mulch is like putting a cool cloth on the back of your neck. It cools the soil and roots of the plant down allowing it to function more efficiently and will reduce sun damaged foliage. Mulching will also allow you to water less and cuts down on weeds. When in doubt MULCH IT.

How Is Your Social Life?

I guess we didn't think we were getting out enough so we have entered the world of social networking! We now have a Facebook page under Harper's Nursery and Landscape Co. Lynn Harper put this together and there are tons of great pictures of landscape jobs we have completed recently. So if you're like us and coming along slowly into the 21st century check us out on Facebook.

Got Shade??
Now more than ever we recognize the value of a well placed shade tree,vine,or hedge. We are offering $100.00 OFF THE PLANTING AND DELIVERY OF EVERY 24" BOX TREE OR EVERY 3/15 GALLON SIZED TREES IN STOCK. The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago, the second best time is now.

Remember August is the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall at least the planning for fall. Remember also that for you card carrying Harper's Garden Club members you can use your accumulated loyalty points for up to %50 off thru Labor Day. So if you want to get ready to garden or are just planning ahead we can help you get it done and save some dough this month!

Good Growin'
