Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It Is August-Hooray (I Think)

Well at least we're on the downhill side of Summer-and what a Summer it has been. May started out very hot, setting a record for most days over 100 for the month. June was a dream come true. Hardly any days over 100 and it was almost as if we were going to skate thru unscathed-wrong!! Since June 26th (40 days) we've had 19 over 110 and all have been over 100. Paybacks are well shall we say tough. So at least it is August and that means officially Fall is just 6 weeks ahead!
We Harpers keep creeping our way into the 21st century. We now have a Facebook page. Check it out! Many great pics of our landscape jobs on there. We'd love for you to become a fan and keep up with us there!
Be sure to be getting your fall garden planned out-soil should be getting prepared as we speak, work lots of mulch,gypsum,and fertilizer in the ground. Remember we have a great garden preparation guide right on this website under "tips".
For those of you who have "loyalty points". Remember you may turn them into a %50 discount this month. For instance if you have 100 points you may purchase $200 dollars worth of product for $100.oo plus your 100 points!!
Until next time-Good Growing!
